What is the purpose of this project?
The purpose of this project is to reconstruct the existing deteriorated pavement and evaluate opportunities to enhance safety, operational performance, and non-motorized connectivity along the route.
When will this project be completed?
Phase III is expected to begin in Spring 2024 and last for two full construction seasons with anticipated completion at the end of 2025.
What is the cost of this project? Who is funding the project?
The project is estimated to cost $15.6 million. The project is being led by the Lake County Division of Transportation in cooperation with state and local agency partners. The construction of the project will use local funds and Rebuild Illinois funds in addition to cost participation on various elements from the Villages of Buffalo Grove and Long Grove. Motor Fuel Tax funds are being used as well as some County Bridge funds towards drainage improvements.
What improvements are proposed at Lake-Cook Road?
Through our coordination with Cook County, the project team learned they are partnering with the Village of Buffalo Grove to start a Phase I study that will include the Lake Cook Road/Arlington Heights Road intersection, of which Lake County only has jurisdiction of the north leg. LCDOT considered multiple improvements to the north leg of the intersection, with the ultimate decision to extend the southbound right turn lane. The primary purpose of this project is to reconstruct the aging pavement, and as such limited operational and safety improvements will be made.
What improvements are proposed at Fremont Way?
An exclusive NB left turn lane to Fremont Way will be provided on Arlington Heights Road. Additionally providing an exclusive SB left turn lane is geometrically infeasible without significant impacts to the IL Route 83 intersection to the north. A NB left turn movement was favored over a SB left turn because it eliminates the need for vehicles to turn across the functional area of the IL Route 83 intersection and the NM left turn movement has over 5 times the traffic demand as the SB left. Additionally, left turns from Fremont Way to Arlington Heights Road will be restricted based on crash history and proximity to the IL Route 83 intersection.
Is there a means of discouraging left turn movements from Fremont Way to northbound Arlington Heights Road? How would someone leave McDonald's to travel northbound on IL 83?
A non-mountable barrier curb will be constructed to prevent vehicles from making left turns from Fremont Way. To travel northbound on IL 83, motorists can turn right (southbound) on Arlington Heights Road and make a U-Turn at Alden Lane. The dedicated left turn lane at Alden Lane will provide a refuge location out of the through lanes and move vehicles away from the queue waiting to turn left at IL 83.
What will the end result be for sidewalks and bike paths along Arlington Heights Road? Was a crosswalk considered on the west leg of the IL 83 intersection?
The bike path on the east side of the road is continuous for the length of the project and will remain. Gaps in sidewalk on the west side of the road will be filled in to provide continuous pathway accommodations from IL 83 to Checker Road, at which point users can utilized the Lake County Forest Preserve Trail system to get to Lake Cook Road. The intersection of Arlington Heights Road and IL 83 is under IDOT jurisdiction and minimal improvements are anticipated at this location under this project. Crossing IL 83 currently exists at the east leg of the intersection.
How will residential properties be impacted? Will the driveway aprons to residential entrance roads be reconstructed?
At this time, minimal impact to residential properties is anticipated. The project will seek to minimize disruption during construction. The majority of the project will use the existing public right-of-way, and any land acquisition needs will be coordinated with individual land owners as the project moves forward into detailed design. The residential and commercial driveway aprons along Arlington Heights Road within the project limits will be reconstructed.
Will the bridge over Buffalo Creek be rebuilt?
The bridge over Buffalo Creek was reconstructed in recent years and is considered an omission to this particular project.
Will the new road be concrete or asphalt?
The existing concrete roadway will be replaced with asphalt. This is anticipated to minimize traffic noise that currently is observed as large vehicles travel over the existing concrete joints.
Are vehicles turning right from IL 83 to SB Arlington Heights Road supposed to stop before merging into traffic lanes?
Yes, the current condition is to stop before completing the right hand turn movement. This configuration will remain in the proposed improvements.
Will construction impact access to local businesses?
Access to businesses will remain open throughout the project. Lane closures will be necessary to construct the project and minor delays are anticipated. When needed during construction, temporary access will be provided. Every effort will be made to minimize disruption.
What other agencies are involved in this project?
This project is being coordinated with the Illinois Department of Transportation, Cook County and the Villages of Buffalo Grove and Long Grove.
Who can I contact about the project?
All correspondence regarding this project should be sent to: Kevin Betke, Construction Engineer, Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. Phone: (847) 833-0252. Email: [email protected]
How do I stay informed?
We value your input! Please visit the "Stay Connected" page of this website to submit any questions directly to a project team member.